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Seed Sharing Library

The Craft Memorial Seed Sharing Library is a free seed project committed to increasing the capacity of our community to feed itself wholesome food by means of education that fosters community resilience, self-reliance and a culture of sharing.

Need help using your seeds? Don't miss the next Garden Series classes:

September 18, 2024

Fermentation Wonders 

Explore the world of fermented beverages and their health benefits, including how to brew your own Kombucha, Kefir, and more. Registration required.

October 23, 2024

Allium Autumn: Planting and Caring for Onions & Garlic

Understand the essentials of growing onions and garlic, including tips for fall planting and overwintering strategies.

How to borrow seeds: 

  • Want to become a Seed Sharing member?
    Fill out Seed Sharing Membership Information Form and turn it in at the library. Select seed packets and bring them to the front desk for check out. You will need to have a library card to borrow seeds. For information on how to get a free library card, check out review our policies. There is no cost to borrow seeds from Craft Memorial Library! We hope you learn much, share your experience and knowledge, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. At harvest time, please take some extra steps to save seeds for others. We ask that a portion of the seeds you save be returned to our seed sharing library to keep the library self-sustaining. The more seeds in the library, the more community members can benefit from growing their own food.
  • Why save seeds?
    People have been saving seeds for over 12,000 years. However, much of that knowledge has been lost over the last hundred years. Many varieties of fruits and vegetables have become extinct. When you grow and save your own seeds, you develop seed stock that is suited to our climate save money -mitigate our dependence on agro-business
  • How to donate and return seeds:
    Please read the Craft Memorial Seed Sharing brochure: How to Save Seeds if you are new to saving seeds. Once you have collected seed from your crops, set aside some for yourself and some for the library in clearly labeled containers or envelopes with the following information: a Common Name (Tomato) Variety (Brandywine) Seed Source (Your Name) Location Harvested (Bluefield Year Harvested (2015) Notes (Original seed from Seed Savers Exchange. Container grown. Prolific yield. Great tasting, etc.) Drop off all labeled seeds at the Library Front Desk and fill out the Seed Return Form. If you haven’t done so yet, please fill out the Membership form at the library. If you are unable to save your own seed, please consider donating a packet or two of fresh commercially grown, open—pollinated (non- hybrid; non-GMO) seed to keep our library stocked.
  • Want to learn more about seed sharing?
    Learn more about seed sharing by visiting the following sites:
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